Searching with Library Databases
The Library subscribes to a variety of databases that can be used to search and access scholarly articles and other types of media, like videos. Popular databases are grouped below by topic.
Literary Reference Center (EBSCO)
Literary Reference Center™ is a full-text database provides a broad spectrum of research information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes. Literary Reference Center contains the following content: plot summaries, synopses, work overviews, articles/essays of literary criticism, author biographies, literary journals, book reviews, classic and contemporary poems, classic and contemporary short stories, author interviews, and classic novels.
Here is a selected list of the most popular EBSCO subject databases. For a full listing of all EBSCO databases, go here.
Business Source Complete | Business | |
Business & Law | ||
Small Business Reference Center | Business | |
Professional Development Collection | Education | |
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) | Education | |
Agricola | Agriculture | |
Green File | Environment | |
Computer Source | Computer Science | |
Vocational & Career Collection | Careers | |
Newspaper Source Plus | US & World News | |
The A-Z Database List contains links to all the database subscriptions for our library. Most require a UH user name and password. The list can also be searched by Subjects (such as English, Nursing, Botany, etc.) Click on "View More Results" below the Go button to use this feature.