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Kaua'i Community College Library

Information Literacy Tutorial: Services

Library Services

Reference Services

Assistance in finding books and articles in the library

Assistance in searching library databases and the Web for reliable information

Individual instruction in the steps of the research process

Find help in troubleshooting printing or software problems on library computers

Assistance on how to order resources from other UH System Libraries


Ways to Request Assistance

Reference Desk in the library
Phone (808-245-8253)
Email (
Or schedule an appointment with a librarian (via Zoom or in person) 

Instructional Services

Instruction sessions for classes can be booked with librarians, Jay Baker or Jenny Duncklee. 

Contact: Jay Baker,, 808-245-8322, or Jenny Duncklee,, 808-245-8253

Library Account

You can keep track of library loans and requests through your library account. 

To renew items: 

  1. Log in to your Library Account. 
  2. Click your name in the upper right corner and select "My Loans."
  3. Click "Renew" next to the item (to renew items individually) or click "Renew All" at the top of the list.
    NOTE: If you have items borrowed from more than one campus library, you will need to do this separately for each campus by clicking on the campus names on the left side of the screen.

Circulation Services

Check out books and DVDs

Check out laptops for use in the library and Chromebooks for the semester

Find course materials put on reserve by instructors

Pick up books ordered from other UH Libraries

Reserve private study rooms

Read books from the RARE collection

Find lost items in our Lost & Found (which serves as the lost & found repository for the campus)

Circulation Times & Policies

Type of Material Time Period   Late Fines
General & Oversize 4 weeks $ .25 per day
Hawai'i/Pacific 2 weeks $ .25 per day
Reserves & DVDs 2 hours/in-library use only $1.00 per hour
Reference & Magazines In-library use only  
Rare View at Circulation Carrel  

The Library follows the Libraries of the University of Hawai'i System Circulation Policy, Revised Aug. 2021; the Patron Data Privacy Policy, Revised Sept. 2024 and the Intrasystem Loan Policy, Revised Aug. 2005.



  • Mac and PC desktop computers
  • Printer
  • Chromebooks for semester-length checkout

KIC Scanner

  • Book scanner to digitize print books


  • WiFi is available on campus with a valid UH login
  • Passthroughs can be set up to bypass the usual WiFi login process; they expire after one year. 

Technology users must abide by UH Policy EP2.210. 

Study Rooms & Quiet Study Areas

1st floor

Library Commons

The 1st floor of the Library is designed for group study. 

Conversations and Zoom sessions are encouraged, but please be mindful of your fellow students. 

Study Rooms

Study rooms are available for studying or Zoom. They may be used for two hours at a time per our policy.


2nd floor

Library Quiet Zone

By student request, the 2nd floor of the Library is reserved for quiet study.

Please, no group study, conversation, cell phone or computer sounds.